Being one of the main tasks of the LMI, education is an important and essential part of the everyday work in the LMI. This concerns teaching to students (undergraduate and graduate) as well as contributing to the training of (laboratory) specialists.
Teaching tasks for Bachelor phase
The medical immunology laboratory specialists of the LMI as well as the postdocs / graduate students / technicians of the LMI are actively involved in several recurrent teaching tasks within Erasmus MC (Bachelor Medicine) as well as outside Erasmus MC (Bachelor Clinical Technology).
Training of (laboratory) specialists
Together with the Medical Laboratories of the Reinier de Graaf Group in Delft, the LMI forms an officially recognized training center for medical immunology laboratory specialists. Additionally, the LMI is actively involved in short trainings in (areas of) medical immunology in the context of training programs of several other (laboratory) specialists, such as junior hematologists (Erasmus MC), clinical chemistry laboratory specialists (Erasmus MC), clinical chemistry laboratory specialists with hematology specialisation (regional), internist-clinical immunologists and internist-allergologists, and occasionally laboratory specialists from abroad in the field of clinical chemistry, pathology etc.
Internships for Bachelor and Master students
The LMI offers short or long internships to undergraduate students who want to be trained in translational research. This concerns, among others, students in the following programs:
- Bachelor of Medicine (Erasmus MC)
- Bachelor HLO (HRO Rotterdam, Leiden, Saxion Deventer, Avans Breda)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (VUMC)
- Research Master’s Infection & Immunity (Erasmus MC)
- Research Master’s Molecular Medicine (Erasmus MC)
- Master’s Life Science and Technology (Leiden).